I'll sleep when you're uploaded #2
The Fillore at Irving Plaza, New York City, 6-9-07 Despot Slow Suicide Stimulus "The Overly Dramatic Truth" "Deep Space 9mm" * MP3: "Smithereens (Stop Cryin')" - El-P from I'll Sleep When You're Dead [Buy it] * MP3: "This Is Not In My Head" - El-P from Weareallgoingtoburninhellmegamix!!! [Buy other El-P] * Previously: I'll sleep when you're uploaded |
Comments on "I'll sleep when you're uploaded #2"
great photos. I was wondering if this show was better than the Bowery show earlier in the year?
Damn--I missed EL-P a few weeks back when he was in Philly.
The show looks dope. Question--why is Yak Ballz allowed to rap in front of people?
I thought the openers were better this time around. I'd gladly trade Despot for Rob Sonic and Hangar 18 seems to hitting its stride finally. El-P was excellent both times, but I maybe was slightly more excited to see him the first time because I liked the detainee theme and it had been so long since I'd seen him do a full set (the PLUG fiasco did not count). But yeah, I thought he put on awesome shows both times.
Zilla, Yak Ballz has never really bothered me. Granted I wouldn't go see him headline, but he at least rhymes like he means it and he makes his eyes bug out maniacally on every other line. That's got to count for something, right?